January 30, 2009


Genuine kindness is a rarity in a world where greed dominates. So genuine acts of kindness bring great surprise and are most welcome.

To the bringer of kindness to me today, I am extremely grateful.

Thank you.

Quiet Time

It's quieter today. Less tension, but it is the calm before the storm. On one side things are starting to fall into place, arrangements made, last minute agrements kept to. But this is hardly the way to go on. Things are going to get worse yet. And that's only in my world. As the world of others collapses too, we will all struggle, and what little of society that exists will drgenerate into savagery.

Got to keep going on, it's the only way.

January 29, 2009

He Huffed, and He Puffed

But he couldn't blow that house down.

Not today, anyway. Who knows what will happen tomorrow?

The Wolves are at the Door

It's trying times, these days. As an individual, the help available for basic survival is virtually non-existent. Over time jobs have been lost due to excessive financial demands which left nothing to actually travel to work, and the bills are getting higher and higher, costs are going up, earnings are going down.

It's a bleak situation, where every day I sit and wonder "Is today the wolves come to the door?" I can hear them circling around, waiting for their opportunity to attack, the pack mentality at work. In the middle of the circling beast, I sit and wait for the sign of attack, hoping I will be ready to defend myself. My armour is on, but will it be enough? Sometimes I think retreat will be the better option. Go underground, into hiding, but who wants to hide for ever? I'd rather fight, but I'm out-numbered, how can I win?

Right now, I'd take a draw. Winning is highly unlikely. I don't want to take any extreme measures, but as a tactic they are available. But is the short term gain for the long term pain really worth it?